About portal "Ancestral heritage"

This portal of scientific-educational information fund on Cultural heritage of the Turkic world Writings “Atalar Mirasi (Ancestral heritage)”, developed by the Turkic Academy, provides a wide range of literary samples and their original transcripts belonging to the writing cultures of Turkic-speaking states, peoples, ethnicities and ethnic groups, from ancient times to the national era. In addition, there are photographs, drawings, and some facsimiles of each manuscript and monument.

Ancient written heritage

Ancient drawings, petroglyphs, symbolic signs

The ancestors of the Turks have long lived on the vast territory of Eurasia. They were engaged in hunting, farming, animal husbandry, especially horse breeding. In particular, the nomads tamed the horse, which is considered the best achievement of human civilization.

Writing of the early nomadic era (IV BC - V AD)

There is an inscription on a silver bowl dating back to the Saka era. In 1969-1970, during archaeological excavations led by Kemal Akishev, a mound was discovered 60 km from Almaty along the Issyk River.

Writing of the Hunnic Empire

Archeological activity, which in the era of the Empire of the Huns (Xiongnu ), was a mystery, not a mystery.  Chinese sources say that “the Huns have no written language, but laws are oral”.

Inscriptions on Kultobe ceramics

The era of Kangyu (Kangyu, Kanju). I century BC e. - I-IV centuries BC e. In 2001-2005, an archaeological expedition led by archaeologist A. N. Podushkin discovered ceramics with an unknown inscription at the Kultobe settlement on the Arys River in Southern Kazakhstan.
